Week 6 (Jul 1) : Analysis Symposium #2

Because Week 4 and 5 topics aren’t able to be integrated as easily as Week 1 and 2, some students will be doing a sonata analysis while others will do a pop analysis.

The process is essentially the same for all —just be sure you know which repertoire you should be analyzing.

Sonata repertoire

If you are in a sonata group (sign up on Canvas), you will be analyzing a movement from Mozart’s String Quartet in G major, K. 387, to review our techniques for tonal music.

19:24 – iii. Andante cantabile
26:39 – iv. Molto allegro

I have divided everyone into groups and put you in Teams channels accordingly. Split in half, and have one half analyze mvt. iii while the other half analyzes mvt. iv. Your groups should use Teams to collaborate. I can view your channel but I will not be receiving notifications from it, so ping me (using the @ symbol) if you have a question.

Analyze these sonata-form movements using both hypermeter and sonata theory. Some thoughts to inspire you:

  • How does Mozart play with the hypermeter throughout this movement?
  • How does the hypermeter interact with the form of the piece?
  • What Type of sonata do you think this is (Type 1, Type 2, etc.)?
  • Did you have trouble locating the MC/EEC/ESC? If so, why?
  • Beyond the obvious transpositions of material, how are the themes from the exposition altered in the recapitulation?

Pop repertoire

If you are in a pop group (sign up on Canvas), you’ll be analyzing one of these two recent R&B hits that borrow elements from gospel music. Both “Same Drugs” by Chance the Rapper and “Broken Clocks” by SZA are very interesting lyrically as well as tonally.

You have been divided into groups. Split in half and have two people analyze SZA and two people analyze Chance. Your groups should use Teams to collaborate. I can view your channel but I will not be receiving notifications from it, so ping me (using the @ symbol) if you have a question.

I suggest beginning with a Burns-style lyric analysis, and then considering how tonality and form can connect to your lyric analysis.

Some thoughts to inspire you:

  • Both music videos have a strong dose of nostalgia.
  • How does that nostalgic tone relate to the narrator/narratee?
  • How does the nostalgic tone relate to the tonality?
  • What is the form of each song—is there anything unusual?

Group Process

Your groups should use Teams to collaborate. I can view your channel but I will not be receiving notifications from it, so ping me (using the @ symbol) if you have a question.

  1. You will begin with individual analyses. Make a video explaining what you discovered in the piece.
    • The video should be at least 5 minutes long, but no more than 10.
    • I would like to see your face in the video, because in an online class, I think that’s helpful for understanding that we’re all humans and not just names on a screen (but if you can’t do this for some reason, just discuss with me).
    • Note that this is an individual analysis, so you should not be collaborating with your group mates yet.
    • It will probably be helpful to have a visual of some kind, too, whether it’s in the video or in a PDF you upload to the channel.
  2. By Thursday end-of-day, upload your video to your designated Teams channel so your peers can view and respond to your video.
  3. After submitting their individual analysis, each group member will discuss how their findings interact with those of the other members (all other members, not just those who did the same piece!). Use the chat function in the Teams channel to do this.
    • Approach discussion like a chat conversation rather than a response essay—ask people questions, wait for their replies—just have a conversation! Don’t be too stiff.
    • Try to do this as soon as possible after all videos are submitted, to allow plenty of time for back-and-forth interactions. Your group may find it helpful to set expectations for when people will submit initial responses (i.e., make sure not everyone submits at the last minute).
    • Be sure you have something to say to each person that shows that you understood their analysis and makes a connection between theirs and your own.
    • I’ll evaluate these discussions on Monday, but again: please do not wait until the last minute to do this—everyone needs time to receive, understand, and respond to discussion. Timeliness in responding is part of your grade.


You will be assessed individually in two parts.

Your individual analysis should:

  • Incorporate all techniques appropriate to your repertoire (sonata theory and hypermeter for orchestral music; form, lyrics, and tonality for pop music).
    • Orchestral music: Create an annotated score for your Schubert analyses that shows your hypermeter and Sonata Theory analyses.
    • Pop music: create a lyric lead sheet (similar to Week 5) that shows chord symbols and labels the sections of the piece. Your lyric analysis can just be in your verbal discussion.

In your Teams discussion, you should

  • submit your video and your discussion on time so others can engage with it
  • respond lucidly to any questions asked to you
  • comprehend what others have said to you
  • demonstrate familiarity with both pieces
  • make comparisons with other group members’ analyses (including those who did the other piece)

A full rubric for each component can be viewed on Canvas.